How to get list of files included in PHP.??

Every time I write a peace of PHP code, to perform database activity or calculations, I’m curious about how many files are included, by framework (CodeIgniter,Yii, Zend etc.).

My moto  is, just don’t want to include those files, which are not taking any part in my logic, like if I am not doing any database activity, I don’t want to include database connection file.

PHP, know them all. It has function which give me list of that.

get_included_files() Returns an array with the names of included or required files

alias get_required_files()

we can check it with below code,

$includedFiles = get_included_files();
foreach ($includedFiles as $filename) {
echo $i++.’) ‘.$filename.'<br />’;

How to get php functions & public user defined functions?

get_defined_functions() – Returns an array of all defined functions

It returns array([internal]=>(….),[user]=>(….))


$arr = get_defined_functions();

echo ‘<pre>’; print_r($arr);

Comments/Suggestions are always welcome.

Posted in PHP

What is Difference between MySQL delete and truncate table

This very common question in interviews.  Both remove records from the table, so what is the difference.

  • Delete :
                         Syntax :  Delete from TableName [where condition];
    Deletes record  from table . But doesn’t reset the auto_increment
    DELETE operations are transaction-safe and logged, which means DELETE can be rolled back.
    DELETE will fire any ON DELETE triggers.DELETE will fail if foreign key constraints are broken.
  • Truncate :
                         Syntax :  truncate table  TableName;
    Deletes all record  from table. Reset the auto_increment.
    TRUNCATE cannot be done inside a transaction and can’t be rolled back.
    Because TRUNCATE is not logged recovering a mistakenly TRUNCATEd table is a much bigger problem than recovering from a DELETE. Truncate the Trigger is not fired.

    There are difference in Delete and Truncate:
    1. Delete use for delete row by row but truncate will delete the entire table.
    2. In Truncate rollback not possible.
    3. Value of Auto Increment will reset from starting after use of Truncate not in Delete.
    4. Truncate is a DDL(Data Definition Language) command and Delete is a DML(Data Manipulation Language) command.
    5. When Delete the Particular row the Corresponding Delete Trigger(if exists) Fire.In Case of Truncate the      Trigger is not fired.

    But I found issue with both command, they will take time to execute when data is more than 2GB. So , I will prefer to Drop table & again create it.
    Before dropping table, export the structure of table using PHPMYADMIN or database administrative tools in sql file, so we can import the sql file, which will creates table structure.

Posted in Mysql

Yii Tips and Tricks

While working on Project base on Yii framework, got some questions/problems. After searching couple of hours found solutions,So sharing here….,

  • How can change default action of Yii controller?

Ans:- Declare variable  ‘ public $defaultAction = ‘actioname’; ” in controller.
e.g.:-  class LoginController extends Controller
{             public $defaultAction = ‘login’;

  • How to change the default Controller of site in Yii?

Ans:- add ” ‘defaultController’=>’module/controller/action ”  in main.config

  • How to change the default theme of site?

    Ans:- add ” ‘theme’=>’theme-name ”  in main.config

  • How do I create a linked image or CHtml:link with an image?

    echo CHtml::link($imghtml,Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl(‘/controller/action/’),array(“class”=>”classname”));

  • How to change the layout in contrlller?

    call  $this->layout = “//layouts/name” if you want change on particular action, or declare variable as,
    public $layout = “//layouts/name”;

  • How to set the time zone in Yii?

 We can set the time zone index.php using php function ,       date_default_timezone_set(‘Asia/Calcutta’);
But I found another way,
Open main.php & write as key =>pair value like,

return array(
‘timeZone’ => ‘Asia/Calcutta’,

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Posted in PHP, Yii

URL rewriting in Yii to hide index.php

Hi Folks,

I am using Yii -yes it is,  MVC framework for new project in PHP.
I started  learning  yii from the official site of yii. I found it is hard to start the work on yii, specially who don’t have
knowledge of MVC framework like Code Igniter (CI) or Zend. It take some time to understand the MVC in yii, as nobody of  us is familler with CI or zend.

Finally we figure out the basics of  Yii. While working on basic of Yii, I want to rewrite the url to SEO friendly.
So I started to search on google, forum got useful information here

To hide the index.php from url I did changes in config/main.php  as shown below,


and I created new .htaccess file in the same directory as my index.php file shown as below,

RewriteEngine  On
RewriteBase  /
RewriteCond   %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond   %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule    ^(.*)\?*$ index.php/$1 [L,QSA]

 You can change the ”RewriteBase /’  as per project location like if project is located in ‘folder1’ of webroot.
then it change like as    RewriteBase  /folder1

Note that my urlManager has the line:


That will make sure your auto-generated links (CHtml::link or zii.widgets.CMenu) do not have index.php in them. This will not work without the .htaccess file. The reason is that the .htaccess file rewrites the url to point to index.php/$1 so that Yii actually gets the request properly. You will not see the index.php in the url at any time though.

Yii hide index.php from url, geting 404 error

Now it’s time to update this post, While working with Cest Os in local network, I did same thing to rewrite the url.
but it don’t work, the apache rewrite modue is enabled, all things are perfect ,
but still I am geting 404 error while while accessing the page.
After googling couple hours , I found the I have problem in ‘httpd.conf’

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
#this is the part that needs changing. I changed ‘None’ to ‘All’
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
allow from all

this allows virtual host rewrite index.

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Posted in .htaccess, Yii

Include php file On all the pages of php

I need to include a files in all of your site’s pages? Normally, you’d use require() or include(). But do I really want to manually past the include code in every page?

This may be at the start of page or end of page.

There’s the little known PHP directive auto_prepend_file and auto_append_file. What are PHP directives? They’re essential global PHP settings that are defined in you php.ini file. There is surprisingly little information about these methods out there, but luckily they aren’t too difficult to work with.

In the php.ini file, we can implement like this,

; Automatically add files before or after any PHP document.
auto_prepend_file = D:/wamp/www/includefileatstart.php
auto_append_file =  D:/wamp/www/includefileatend.php

For Linux system it is something like this


For me this will not work on Wamp…  😉

So I have to find another way, … so we did with the help of .htaccess.. we can set it at runtime…

Create .htaccess file in www folder.

php_value auto_prepend_file D:/wamp/www/includefileatstart.php
php_value auto_append_file D:/wamp/www/includefileatend.php

For Linux system it is something like this


Create file the file which you want to include  ‘includefileatstart.php’ and ‘includefileatend.php’



echo “included at the start of program <br />”;




echo “included at the end of program<br />”;


Create test file:-  test.php


echo “this is body of page<br>”;

You can download here…

I have created function file & this is included at the start.
Like this :- includefunction.php

function pa($a,$d=0)
echo “<pre>”;
echo “</pre>”;
if($d==1) die;
Tested like this, test2.php




this will o/p the array.

Posted in .htaccess, PHP
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